Monday, 11 February 2019

Making Bar graph

Students of class III created bar graphs for the given data. They learnt to represent information through bar graphs by choosing suitable scale ,marking x-axis and y-axis and giving suitable title to the graph. 

Nets folding

Hands on activity was conducted in class IV to make them understand number of faces, edges and vertices of Pyramids and prisms.

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Footsteps for Good Photographs

Angles Activity

Students of class IV enjoyed learning angles formed by hands and legs while performing exercises and yoga asanas.  They formed various angles such as Acute, obtuse, right , straight, reflex , complete.

Symmetry Activity

A mathematics activity was conducted in class IV A to introduce the topic - Symmetry in objects. Students painted half side of the sheet and pressed it on the other half and found the complete drawing . They were surprised to see their paintings. Concept of Line of symmetry was also explained through this activity.