A Mother’s Love
Of all the special joys in life,
The big ones and the small,
A mother’s love and tenderness
Is the greatest of them all.
Of all the special joys in life,
The big ones and the small,
A mother’s love and tenderness
Is the greatest of them all.

Mom, you’re very special;
I think you’re great.
On Mother’s Day,
It’s time to say
It’s you I appreciate! Your love is never-ending; It shows in all you do.
There’s no other mom
In the whole wide world
I think you’re great.
On Mother’s Day,
It’s time to say
It’s you I appreciate! Your love is never-ending; It shows in all you do.
There’s no other mom
In the whole wide world
Students of class IV A enthusiastically made crowns for their mothers' to make them feel special and thank them for everything.
only four pictures are visible. Please see.