Monday 28 June 2021

Maths Class Log( III ,IV, V) - 28 June to 3 July

2 July

Class III

Question 1 from Learner's book pg 18 were discussed and done in the notebook.

HW- Q2 and 3 to be done in the notebook.


Learner's book questions were discussed and done in the book.Concept of volume was introduced and notes were written in the register.

Liveworksheet to revise concept of reading weigh scale was given.

Class V

Q1, Q2  from LB pg 25 was discussed and done in the register.

Q2 d) given as Hw

1 July

Class III

HW -Do Q2 and 3 were discussed and done in the maths notebook.


Liveworksheet to revise concept of length was given.

Concept of weight was introduced and notes were written in the register.

Class V

Formulas to find area of square, rectangle and compound shapes were revised.

Learner's book 24 -Explore and Learn section were discussed and done.

Q1 from LB pg 25 was discussed and given for completion in the register. 

30 June

Class III

Question 1  from Learner's book pg 17- Subtraction using number line was taken up .

HW -Do Q2 and 3 in the maths notebook.


Unit 2 Measurement -Notes of Length were written in the register. Conversion of mm -cm -m -km were discussed.

Class V

Formulas to find area of square, rectangle and compound shapes were explained 

Example of finding area of compound shape to be completed in the register.

29 June

Class III

Question 1 and 2 from Learner's book pg 16- Addition using expanded form was taken up .


Video watch-Measurement in daily life and discussion on measuring units.

Class V

Video watch on methods to calculate area. example of finding area by counting squares was taken up.

28 June

Class III

Addition using expanded form was taken up through examples.


Problem solving questions from Learner's book pg 18 were discussed and done in the register.

Class V

Concept of perimeter of regular shapes and irregular shapes was taken up through examples.

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