Wednesday 16 May 2018

Interhouse speech Competition -Value of family in my life

An interhouse Speech Competition was conducted in class IV -A Primus on 16 May ,2018 .To celebrate International Day of Families  ,the topic for the speech  was "Value of family in my life" . All the students participated actively and enthusiastically .The judgement was done by one of the parent of class III Primus.
Winners are as follow:
 Nandini (Newton House)                         -  I Position
Ananya(Bhabha house)                             -  I Position
Arnav Sahni (Einstein House)                  -   II position
 Asmita Dahiya (Einstein House)              -  II Position
Lakshit (Bose House)                                - III Position
Saumya ( Bhabha House)                          - III Position

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