Sunday 6 December 2020

Recalibrating Pedagogy after the Lockdown

Recalibrating Pedagogy after the Lockdown

 No more pencils no more books/ No more teacher’s dirty looks/ Out for summer/ Out till fall/ We might not come back at all/ School’s out forever…/ School’s out with fever”.
It seems these lyrics of Alice Cooper have come back to haunt us.

One of the worst hit sectors by the COVID-19 pandemic has been the education sector of India.  Since the middle of March, millions of students have been out of school, because of the COVID-19 lockdown. This has also affected more than one lakh students, who could not complete their Class 12 board examinations
A recent survey across 161 districts of the country shows that parents in 8,500 households have been looking for laptops for their children, all this in an attempt to fight the interruption in school education caused by the pandemic. 
Presently, teachers are trying to engage with online teaching and learning. The technology may vary across schools and states but as educators, we have to look at the implications of these new learning processes for our learners.
From live TV broadcasting of academic subjects, video interactions, online theatre, to working with special needs learners, it is all about embracing learning “anywhere anytime”. It is apparent that technological evaluation systems, touchscreen paper corrections, digital books and smart boards have become the new reality. For many teachers, their entire world has changed: From traditional teaching tools to juggling with gadgets and software, they are relying only on their personal understanding.

Going forward, in the new post-pandemic environment, what will be required is a huge shift in mindset — both social and emotional. The new challenge is, how to keep thousands of children out of school if their parents are allowed to return to their work spaces — even if in a staggered manner. And, whenever this happens, who assumes responsibility for a child’s safety and learning at home? 
A new approach is needed to teach in this altered teaching paradigm. 

New seating matrix, staggered classes, different mess and library rules, revamped hostels and canteens, could be part of students' socially distant lives in schools and colleges when they return.
Schooling is supposed to look after the emotional, social and behavioural health of children, which is diametrically opposite to social distancing.
Teachers are as important as health workers because they are looking after the mental, emotional and social health of children at home. Within this new school/learning paradigm, it will have to be seen how best to engage the children not only in education but in socialising with their peers, creating safe zones to play, and, how to also provide meals and support families which are working. 
We need to ensure that teachers come back to work so that hands-on training can happen — since many of them may not be technologically adept. If school opens in July or even later, 3,000 children cannot simply come back. A post-pandemic school plan is essential and has to be prepared. With a staggered opening, the government and school leaders will have to think of novel methods by which children can be assimilated back into the school setting. And this has to be looked at bearing in mind the normal school calendar. 
Perhaps the new education policy needs to be revisited quickly and recalibrated.
Some practical things that can be done are: Cleaning and sanitising the classrooms and areas where children converge regularly; increasing the medical staff and counsellors in schools; planning a new school calendar where any event with large gatherings of students/parents is avoided, that is, sports days, annual days and parent teacher meetings. There can be cancellation of excursions and inter-school events within and outside the city; reworking of school timings and putting in place of student attendance on a rota basis. 
School walls could have colourful, pictorial depictions and slogans that sensitise students on basic cleanliness and hygiene such as washing hands, and social distancing — although too many displays of pandemic visuals should be avoided as it creates anxiety in the minds of children. We need to ensure the building of a strong parent-school partnership, if social distancing has to be understood and implemented; conduct periodic workshops by psychologists, medical practitioners and counsellors to help sensitise the students, enabling them to understand the situation.
When students return to school, they will be the least prepared for any form of traditional testing — all such testing measures should be put on hold at all levels and there should be more emphasis on instruction and emotional development. 
Particularly, the students in pre-primary and primary — in the age group of three to 10 — will find it very difficult to get into a routine because they would have been out of school for over six months. At the primary level, when children return, they should be allowed to have their own learning options — hands on activities, creating personalised portfolios and project-based learning is important.
This will enable the children to find a sense of academic freedom, which they would have missed in the restricted confines of their homes. 
As far as senior students are concerned, we have already lost 2020 and this situation may stretch to 2021, as far as regular school learning is concerned. Hence, it is imperative that when dealing with senior students, we should help them understand the importance of resilience and mental strength in order to face climatic change, disease, natural and man-made disasters and even rapid technological changes.
The pandemic has truly reiterated the much clichéd skills of the 21st century: Decision making, problem solving, ability to innovate and, most importantly, adaptability.
These are extraordinary times, and we need extraordinary measures. The states and boards will have to, perhaps, look beyond traditional board examinations not only for the current year, but also for 2021. There is no doubt that returning to school after this pandemic will truly be a disruptive learning exercise at all levels

In some situations, schools do much more than teach children how to read, write and count. They also provide nutrition, health and hygiene services; mental health and psychosocial support; and dramatically reduce the risk of violence, exploitation, child labour and more.
And it’s the most vulnerable children who are the hardest hit by school closures, and we know from previous crises that the longer they are out of school, the less likely they are to return.
The government would need to take necessary measures to support institutions of learning such that the schools' future and the future of the country is not jeopardized in any way. 

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