Saturday 30 January 2021

Math work of 30.1.2021

 Class III

Concept of multiplication and division by 10, 100 and 1000 and Doubles and halves was taken up through examples.

Question from LB pg 147 were done in the book and Q1 ,Q2 a was discussed and done in the notebook from LB pg 148

HW Complete Q2 b,c,d in notebook

Class IV 

Calculating days duration between two dates was recalled and questions from LB pg 144 were discussed and done in the register.

Unit 14 Geometry - Basic concept of polygons and 2D shapes were recapitulated through AR app .

Class V

Concept of Imperial units of weight and capacity was taken up through video and examples were done in the register. 

Question 1a) from LB page 148 was explained and  done in the register. 

HW do Q1 b-e 

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