Wednesday 27 January 2021

Maths work of 25 and 27 .1.2021

Class III

Concept of adding and subtracting 10 , 100 was recalled , examples were done in the notebook.

Question 1 from LB pg 144 was done in the notebook

HW - Q2 in book 

27.1.2021  Q3 from LB pg 145 was discussed and done in the notebook.

Concept of multiplication and division by using tables and division facts was recalled ,examples were written in the notebook.Explore on pg 146 discussed and done in the book.

Class IV

Concept of reading time table and calculation time duration was taken up.

Q1 from LB pg 143 was discussed and done in the register.


Q2 and 3 were discussed and done in the register.

Reading calendar and basic information about days and year was discussed. Notes were written in the register.

Class V 

Multiplication by three methods were recalled through examples.Questions from leaner's book page 167 were discussed and given for completion


HW-Answer1-3 from pg 167 were discussed.

Unit 12 Measure and Problem Solving was introduced, basic conversions were recalled and examples were done.

HW - Try Q1 and 2 from LB pg 147 in the register. 

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