Monday 18 January 2021

Maths work 18.1.2021

 Class III

Concept of counting half squares to find area of shapes was taken up. Examples were done in the book pg 135.

Q1 and 3 were done in the Learner's book pg 136 , Q2 to be done in the notebook.

class IV

Concept of using brackets was introduced through a video and examples were discussed and done in the register.

Question 1 and 2 from learner's book pg 155 were done in the register.

HW Q3 to be done in the register

Class V

Questions of multiplication and division by using multiplication facts were discussed.

Concept of multiplication by rounding and adjusting was taken up. Examples were done in the register .

HW= Questions from Learner's book pg 161 to be completed in the register

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